PC Software

So you want just PC software to run only in one location, even if it can also go online if you wish to send updates to a central database or other users
Then having Web Connections write you some Windows Software might be the answer
Software written by Web Connections comes with multi user licences as standard and can be programmed to do whatever you want it to do be it for business or pleasure as shown in the example below
Race Manager
The race manager project needed to run on local machines with the need to be connected to the Internet. However, when the user went online, they were able to update online data for the world to see. So what is Race Manager
Race Manager is a Formula 1 style telematory system for slot cars that has sold many copies throughout the World. Keeping track of lap times, track positions and race and championship stats are just a few of the things it can do when connectd to a slot car racing track.
Go online and Race Manager understands this and allows the user to upload to a central server their race results and stats which are then displayed to all other Race Manager users so that International competitions could be run.
You may not want us to build you some race software. Instead you may want a new accounts package, sales and marketting software, time tracker or perhaps even something completely different.
Why not Get Started Today by contacting us to talk about your project